DSCR: Debt Service Coverage Ratio in Relation to HUD 221(d)(4) Loans
When deciding whether to issue a loan to a borrower, one of the most important aspects a lender looks at is DSCR, or Debt Service Coverage Ratio. DSCR is a measurement of annual cash flow vs. annual debt obligations.
Who is eligible to reside in HUD/FHA 221(d)(4) properties?
If you're considering building or renovating a multifamily residential property with a HUD/FHA 221(d)(4) loan, you might be wondering if it restricts or limits the kinds of residents that can live in the development. And, in pretty much every case, the answer is no.
How long does it take for an HUD 221(D)(4) application to be approved?
Just how long does it take to process an HUD 221(d)(4) loan? It depends on several factors, but you can typically expect a lengthy timeline of around a year.